Saturday, January 7, 2012


We've been talking about Genesis for a while now in CCF, and we were just getting into the goodness of Abram's life and his awesome faith in God's promises. But I've been reading these things again this week as I'm starting out on my venture to read the Bible in a year, and Abram is really standing out to me in new ways. I thought I'd share.

This is one of the first major glimpses we get of God's very personal revelation of Himself to any of His people. Yet this is just a hint of what is to come. This is also one of the first times that I am noticing God making very consistent promises to Abram (I'd like to note here that I'm very wary of the word promise in relation to God. I'm not sure how our understanding of a promise fits with God's nature. Rather, there is this consistent idea of a covenant throughout scripture. As a personal note, this is something I want to study in more depth soon.). Along with this, I see Abram presenting honest questions and concerns before the Lord.

"O Lord GOD, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?"
"Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir."
"O Lord GOD, how am I to know that I shall possess it [the land that God has brought him to]?"

In every instance, God has a response. Not an explanation of the how or when, but a reassurance that these things will come to pass. And Abram believed the LORD.

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