Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Tonight at CCF, Reed talked about Revelation 21, the creation of a new heaven and new earth. This is good news. This is exciting talk. All of the comparisons to Genesis are really great. I was encouraged by the promise and truth of God's renewing power. At the end of the evening, he asked us to imagine the transforming power of Christ that has changed and shaped our lives at work in the people and world around us. What will this world look like when it's transformed by that same unmatched power? This thought grabbed my heart and gave me hope. I've seen the incredible transforming work of Christ in my life. I am hopeful for the things that can and will be done in the world around me.

I've seen the power of chains broken and joy renewed. I've been given hope and freedom. I've been set free from so many bonds. I have a purpose and satisfaction in living life each day. I see how things I do really matter. I've seen the power of love and encouragement.

My heart breaks when I hear life stories and see the pain that is so prevalent in this world. It hurts. It is not how God intended. It is not exceedingly good. My heart breaks when I reflect on my own life and my repetitive sin. I am a broken person, even with the freedom that Christ has given. But there is freedom. I have freedom to change. I have freedom of forgiveness. I am a new creation. For freedom Christ has set us free. I am no longer a slave to sin.

And I am hopeful for this world to experience the same freedom. I am hopeful to do what I can during this life to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. I am eager to spend my days loving in words and deeds, offering grace and kindness. I am eager to share Christ with this world however I can. I want this world to experience freedom.

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